dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010

My opinion about the Blogs.

Well, that's an opinion about the english blogs.
I want that the teachers reflect about this part of the note. All the course I wasn't agree with the english blog, I think that when we use a blog for learn english that it's null, when the teachers (you) see the blog, the note is diferent if the presentation it's normal or if the presentation is exelent. I think that for evaluate your english , the presentation isn't important .The name of the class is English, not Presentation, I think that the presentation don't have to be a note.
( isn't an example of me). You can be a very good student but the presentation is normal or bad your note is low than a person who is a normal student an he has a good persentation. This last person always has the same or high note than you.
This text is the same for the others class.
If you have playing basketball for seven years, and you are at a good league, you can't aprove Pysical Education of basketball with an 6 or 7.
Thats imposible and in this personal opinion I want to express that.

That text is not for criticate the english teachers. It's for criticate all the Catalan Education.

1 comentari:

  1. Hi Pere,
    positive criticism is always welcomed, thanks for your comment!
    I think that you might be underestimating the fact that the first thing that we, teachers, have in mind when evaluating a blog is language quality, and we really try not to be affected by presentation.
    You are doing a good job, concerning both language and the way you present things. If you don't agree with the mark please contact me and I'll explain to you the criteria

    Thanks and happy holidays!

    Your teacher Eli
